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22nd of July, 2024

The Kathleen Behind the Scene

Vol. 4 No. 6
ARTICLE BY Estrella Monroe, renown as Shockhoney

(Just because Kathleen rhymes with scene doesn't mean you can rename me, Kes 🤦‍♀️)

Q1) You have had a Medicine Cat before, why apply for the same position again?
A. To be frank… honestly, with Lostspark, my goal was never Medic. I’m not complaining - oh no! I absolutely loved the experience, I got to learn the inner workings of how an HR rank works, how it functions, the responsibilities, etc. Regardless, aside from the technical aspect, I am here applying Kestrelpaw solely because… she’s just, so completely different from Lostspark, and I really really would love an opportunity to work under a Medicine Cat, as Medicine Cat Apprentice. I want to properly have time to enjoy this rank as I wasn’t able to with Lostspark because the role did not mesh with her character. Lostspark was very briefly the MCA, but with her serious personality and usually down-in-the-trenches moods, and the fact that she was booted up to MC within a week of me being promoted, Kestrelpaw’s more childish, lively personality will be something I look forward to developing, future MCA or not.

Q2) Elaborate on the last sentence?
A. I just meant that I fully intend for Kestrelpaw / Shockhoney to remain a part of ThunderClan whether she is selected or not. Because if she ain’t MCA, then watch out Hornets, she’s coming for you!! Half-joking, haha, but this is my intention. Disclaimer that real life takes priority over the site, so if I really had to do anything drastic with Kes, I’d let someone know beforehand. That would be very sad though :( but for now, no plans on doing anything with her but living and learning!!

Q3) Why ThunderClan?
A. Here’s the truth for you — I’ve always been a hardcore ShadowClan supporter, I will not lie to you. Still am! Love Dawn, love the ShC HR team (if any of you are reading this, you’re doing awesome and I appreciate all you do and keep up the awesome work!!), love Lostspark’s character - but in the end, I kind of… want to switch bases. 😂 Just to see what it’s like. ThunderClan was originally going to be my base Clan, but back in Baby-Member-Kat days she was so confused why she wasn’t allowed to submit a TC apprentice (you needed to be named in RP with a kit OC at the time I think, Kat was too silly to realize that) named Tempestpaw of all things (LOL oh wow I should go look for those deleted posts. edit: I found it, nooo) that she just switched to ShC since they were accepting mentor apprentice duos at the time. Anyway, what I mean is just that TC will be a change of pace.

Q4) Availability & communication?
A. I’m usually always around, actually, and reachable on Discord @roseroux or on Gmail via If something urgent does come up, I won’t be disappearing on you without a word — I will let you know beforehand, as mentioned previously. If I do disappear… :famine:

Q5) Personal notes?
A. So! By the time you guys review this application (it is currently the 29th when you are reading this I presume), I will be 18. A legal adult, how cool is that?? Nope, yucky adults, I don’t want to be old. Writing this as a 17 year old LOL, only two more days and then I will be 18. There is the only fun fact I can currently think of. I feel like yknow in school when they tell you to say a fun fact about yourself and you’re just… no thoughts at all. Yep, me right now. It is… 4:46am on the 22nd of July right now, and now I’m just sleepy-rambling sorry.

And one last note from me! Whoever is reading this - yes, I am looking at YOU - you are KILLING it. Whether you are on the younger spectrum or the older spectrum, whether new to WCO or old, I still think, still know, that you are absolutely wondrous. Everyone does their best, and that is more than enough. Love you, appreciate you, take care of yourselves, and GOOD LUCK, HELLO??!?! To all of you who applied or are applying, LET’S GO I cannot wait to read, I hope you guys have as much fun as I did!

Rose 🌹

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