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22nd of July, 2024

Everything you (proabably) need to know about Kes-stress!

Vol. 4 No. 5
ARTICLE BY Estrella Monroe, renown as Shockhoney

Writer's Note: Turns out. Young Kestrelpaw got distracted and didn't answer any of the questions I gave her. Sigh. We can add that to my list of attributes, I suppose. Flighty, easily distracted. Let's hope grown-up me is more mature - and okay, she is, I am. It's hard to remain exactly the same as time ticks by. Sometimes I wonder what it'd be like to go back to that naivety.

Now let's go over the 4 main points Mrs. Star's Human (Kathleen says - that's not my name Kes - they are called dino?) mentioned;

ACTIVE: Truthfully, part of Kestrelpaw's personality is that sometimes when the laziness hits her she's a real slacker (but let's be real, don't blame the little gal, that was entirely on me because my motivation disappeared a few months back and I needed a plausible reason for it). Regardless, she's been more active lately around ThunderClan and will continue to be. My inspiration for her is at an all-time high currently (which, is probably no surprise since, yknow, MCA application), but I want to keep up her activity whether she is picked as future MCA or not. Anyway, she's recently become more eager / willing to learn, and more involved in what's going on around her, so there is that.

TRUSTWORTHY: Kestrelpaw may act like "ewww, authorities are old people" and all, but again - that's just her baby mind. She will mature as she grows, nobody is perfect right off the bat. She is a rule stickler, surprisingly. Sure, she does some dumb stuff, like try to play pranks that are too dumb to even be considered pranks to anyone but herself. Sure, she may have dug a hole once or twice in the back of the apprentice's den. Sure, she may internally be all "Mrs. Star is boring, Papa is better", but she will never defy her leader, nor work against her Clan. She has enough sense to realize that rules are there for a reason.

AUTHORITATIVE: So I think... from what I've seen so far, both Bumblestar and Spiderthroat (along with the rest of the Hornets)  are really active around TC already, so a situation where Kestrelpaw would HAVE to step in would be very rare. Still, it probably wouldn't be a problem. Kestrelpaw is willing to step up if need be, so that answers that.

COMMUNICATION: Soooo I believe communication will be the least of our problems. Kestrelpaw sees something and she is running straight to authorities (call her a snitch, I suppose LOL but we all have our flaws). Really, if it'll earn her brownie points, she'll be there. But let's say it's a mistake she's made . . . I feel like she'd end up dragging herself to Bumblestar's den anyway, because her guilty conscious wouldn't allow her to sit and mull over it long - she'd just want to get over it and face the consequences already. As for OOC communication - I shall add that on the page that involves Kathleen Kat.

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